Agricultural Crops

Egyptian Pepper

Country of origin: Egypt

Egyptian pepper export is one of the important agricultural crops for which Egypt is famous worldwide. Egyptian pepper is distinguished by its high quality and great nutritional value, and is widely popular in local and international markets. It is used in many recipes and delicious dishes. Egyptian pepper exports are considered one of the main sources of hard currency for the country and play an important role in strengthening the Egyptian economy.


The volume of Egyptian pepper export

Egyptian pepper exports have expanded significantly over recent years. Egyptian agricultural exports witnessed an unprecedented boom, as the volume of Egyptian agricultural exports rose to two million and 506 thousand tons of products during the period from the first of January until last April, an increase of 230 thousand tons (10%) over the same period last year.

The list of the most important agricultural exports during this period included citrus fruits, potatoes, onions, strawberries, pomegranates, yams, beans, beets, guava, peppers, mango, garlic, grapes, peaches, and watermelon. Pepper ranked fourteenth in agricultural exports, with a total of 6,242 tons.

Egypt is considered one of the largest pepper exporting countries in the world.

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The most important countries importing pepper from Egypt

Many countries import Egyptian pepper in large quantities. These countries include Germany, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Italy, the United States, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Norway, Kuwait, and Greece. These countries are considered the main markets that import Egyptian pepper and depend on its quality and variety to meet the needs of their local market.


AR Company’s role in helping you with pepper export

The company provides support and advice on all aspects of the export process, including logistics, packaging and marketing. AR helps clients develop effective export strategies and contributes to expanding Egyptian pepper’s access to global markets.


Types of bell pepper

Egyptian pepper is available in a variety of varieties and colors. These include red, green and yellow peppers, allowing consumers to choose the right pepper to meet their personal preferences and culinary needs.

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Uses of pepper

Pepper is an important ingredient in many dishes and recipes around the world. It can be used in spicy dishes such as salads, soups, salads, seafood, meat and vegetable dishes. Egyptian pepper is also used in preparing sauces, pickles and jams. Egyptian pepper is a versatile ingredient that adds a unique flavor and wonderful spice to foods.



Egypt plays an important role in growing pepper globally, as it is one of the largest pepper export and producing countries. Egyptian pepper exports provide important economic opportunities and strengthen the Egyptian economy. In facilitating the export process and improving the quality of exported Egyptian pepper.

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